In the year 1950’s the place was already known to be the most developed area among the nearly sitio of Barangay Alegria, the former barangay under Municipality of Mainit.

It was the establishment of the Macarthy and Son’s Logging and Sawmill, which brought the attraction to the people who looked for better earnings. After the working hours, the people were fun of making merriment every leisure time with their activities. Benefit dance was their habitual activity every weekend.

Wind instrument was popular during that time. The people show extraordinary talents in music yet they able to invent wind instrument on their own skill like trumpets and saxophones made of bamboo under the leadership of their master musician name Maximo Cobong. Their expertise was very popular yet it even reached to the whole province of the Surigao del Norte.

There was no other place who invented the same from this unknown and remote area. But when this place became time-honored, the group of the musicians was pleasantly invited for every fiesta celebration at the nearby town and barrios for the musical accompaniment in their dancing activities. And as the group gets better by the time, this orchestra was called Bongbong Orchestra. Usual weekend dance and fun was made and people were expected to enjoy dancing in the place where the Bongbong Orchestra accompanied the musical dancing.

Whenever and wherever the ladies and bachelors were used to take pleasure in the BongBong Orchestra, they gladly invite everyone by saying vernacularly “Adto ta sa Bongbong” until such time that this invitation has been carried from generation. As time progresses, the people finally shortened that vernacular invitation into one word “Ombong” which means “the place where music thrilled from the Bamboo Orchestra”. This will lead the barangay folks to remember that their old race were music lover and able to display their talents and creativeness. Thus Ombong got its name and was officially recognized as barangay on September 6, 1950.